Whale Apps التطبيقات

Socialize:Social Network Hub 1.4
Whale Apps
Browsing multiple Social Networks on yourphone can be quite time consuming. Going from one slow app toanother. But this app combines all most popular Social Networks inone app without having to exiting the Socialize app at all duringyour session.Socialize uses the same page you can access in your web browseron your phone. This page is most cases faster than the officialapps for the networks! There are no limitations compared to thebrowser. Everything that works in the browser works with Socialize.Register you position and upload pictures just like you wouldnormally do.(Requires android 2.3 or later) Socialize can alsohandle links, and opens the browser if you are navigating away fromthe current Social Network.When you have selected your networks, you just login and savesthe password. This does not affect your browser and your passwordare only available to Socialize. If you are worried about security,you can set a password from the settings menu. You only have toenter this password once per session.At this date Socialize offers:FacebookTwitterLinkedInMySpaceTaggedGoogle+Tumblr.MeetupLiveJournalBadooTwooWordpressPinterestRedditDiasporaIf you want to add another, just send some feedback, and it will beadded in the next update.
HowTank: How to videos 1.0.5
Whale Apps
Are you tired of browsing through the tons ofuseless how-to videos on YouTube? Then this app will make it bemore fun and easy to discover how-to videos. All in a easy tounderstand interface on your phone.Unlike most other how-to video apps, it is fast. You do not haveto wait for the buffering in the menus. Another importantdifference is that all videos are produced be minor companies orordinary persons like you and me. This app gives they the attentionthey deserve.So next time you wonder How to tie a tie, how to use Facebook orjust how to cover up a murder the videos are only a few clicksaway.The categories are:FunnyGamesFoodClothingMagic TricksDance and MovesHomeOrigamiSki and SnowboardMinecraftComputerThis app contains adds in the notification area and on the homescreen.
inDock: Desk Dock simplified 1.11
Whale Apps
*READ FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE RATINGCheck out the Pro version of this app, inDock Pro!Are you tired of Desk Dock apps that forces you to use a singlemusic player? inDock makes you able to use any music- or radioplayer you like without exiting the actual dock app. This makesDesk Docks and Bluetooth speakers easy to use on everyday basics.This makes you able to enjoy music without interruptions. Theapp is designed to collect all important tasks one click away.Bluetooth and WiFi is turned on with a click of a button, and yourfavorite music- and radio player is only one click away.Every speaker that has Bluetooth is compatible withinDock!This app is tested on Philips Fidelio AS351. Please send feedbackif you are having problems with other speakers.Note: some third party mods (like Cyanogen mod, may causeproblems with this app)
inDock Pro: Desk Dock app 1.0
Whale Apps
inDock Pro offers all the advantages of inDockIt also offers an extra custom button, changeable background andno ads!Are you tired of Desk Dock apps that forces you to use a singlemusic player? inDock makes you able to use any music- or radioplayer you like without exiting the actual dock app. This makesDesk Docks and Bluetooth speakers easy to use on everydaybasics.This makes you able to enjoy music without interruptions. The appis designed to collect all important tasks one click away.Bluetooth and WiFi is turned on with a click of a button, and yourfavorite music- and radio player is only one click away.Every speaker that has Bluetooth is compatible with inDock!This app is tested on Phillips Fidelio AS351. Please send feedbackif you are having problems with other speakers.
Oil Pipe Rush 1.01
Whale Apps
Oil Pipe Rush is a fun and addicting gamewhereyou have to place pipes, creating pipelines, to get the oilfromstart to finish. On the way you will meet obstacles. Becareful notto think to long, or the oil will catch up with you. Doyou got whatit takes to complete all the levels?If you love plumber- or brain teasing-games you will loveOilPipe Rush. Oil Pipe Rush features the fun of plumber games withthefast thinking of ordinary brain-teasing games. This is surelyaplumber game with a twist!The current version features:36 fun and addicting levels3 star rating system for all levelsStore to buy items to complete the levelsHours of fun!This app is in an early stage. Please report all crashesandbugs.
Norske Nettaviser 1.5
Whale Apps
Er du en av de som sjekker nyheter påmobilen?Da er denne appen noe for deg.Norske Nettaviser har de fleste oppdaterte nettaviser frahelelandet. Du velger selv de avisene du vil ha, og trenger bareetklikk fra å gå mellom dem. Avisene lastes inne i appen uten brukavnettleseren. Du kan ha opptil 5 sider i hurtigvalgetsamtidigt.Alle avisene er utstyrt med et filter som gjør at dunavigerervekk fra appen hvis du ikke lenger befinner deg på sidentilavisen. Det gjør at du fritt kan følge linker som åpnesinettleseren, men bare hvis den ikke har noe med hovedsiden ågjøre.I praksis betyr dette at du bla. kan følge linker tilYouTube,andre aviser eller til hvilken som helst annen side.Norske Nettaviser har et fyldig utvalg av aviser fra helelandet,og de aller fleste lokalaviser fra ditt distrikt er dekket.Itillegg har den selvfølgelig de større nasjonale avisene somVG,Dagbladet, Nettavisen og Aftenposten. Hvis du mot formodningikkeskulle finne din lokalavis er det bare å sende tilbakemeldingpådette. Da vil det normalt sett ta mindre enn en uke før ogsådinlokale avis er med.Norske Nettaviser har alle norske aviser som har en godmobilnettversjon, og du blir alltid direkte navigert til denmobilesiden uavhengig av hvilken mobil du har.Har du spørsmål til produktet? Ikke nøl med å ta kontakt bådeføreller etter du har kjøpt produktet.Are you one ofthosechecking news on your mobile? Then this app is for you.Norwegian Online newspapers have the most updatedonlinenewspapers from around the country. You choose the papersthat youwant and need is just a click from going between them.Thenewspapers being inside the app without using the browser. Youcanhave up to 5 pages in speed dial whilst updating.All papers are equipped with a filter that lets you navigateawayfrom the app if you no longer find yourself on the side ofthepaper. It allows you to freely follow links that open inthebrowser, but only if it has nothing to do with the main page.Inpractice this means that you browse. can follow links toYouTube,other papers or to any other site.Norwegian Online newspapers have a huge choice ofnewspapersacross the country, and most local newspapers from yourarea iscovered. In addition, the course, the major nationalnewspapers VG,Aftenposten and Manager. In the unlikely event not tolocate yourlocal newspaper, only to send feedback on this. Then itwillnormally take less than a week before also your localnewspaperwith.Norwegian Online newspapers have all Norwegian newspapers havegoodmobile web version and you will always be navigated directly tothemobile page regardless of which mobile you have.Any questions about the product? Do not hesitate to contactbothbefore or after you have purchased the product.